Making Directories Do Up To Date Duty
March 25, 2019
Last week we covered the details of making a good meal out of LDAP on an MPE system. Along the way we referred to an OpenLDAP port that made that directory service software useful to 3000 sites. The port was developed by Lars Appel, the engineer based in Germany whose work lifted many a 3000 system to new levels.
Appel is still working in 3000s, from time to time. We checked in with him to learn about the good health of LDAP under MPE/iX.
Is this port still out in the world for 3000 fans and developers to use?
Well, I don't recall if anyone ever used it (and I must admit that I don't recall of the top of my head, what drove me to build it for MPE/iX at that time... maybe just curiosity). However, the old 1.1 and 2.0.7 versions at still available at the website maintained by Michael Gueterman, who is still hosting my old pages there.
The versions are — of course — outdated compared to the current 2.4.x versions at But anyone with too much spare time on their hands could probably update the port.
But it's still useful?
Funny coincidence, though. Just yesterday, I had to use a few ldapsearch, ldapadd, and ldapmodify commands against our Linux mail server. If I had seen your mail two days ago, I could probably have looked up examples in my own help web pages, instead of digging up syntax in some old notes and man pages.
And you're still working in MPE?
I am still involved with Marxmeier and Eloquence, so it is more with former HP 3000 users that with current ones.