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Tips for Listing SCHEMAs, and FTP Listings

From my existing TurboIMAGE database, I want to generate a listing of data sets, data item names, and their relationships (master, detail). One detail data set has thousands of entries which do not appear to be connected to any master. 

Oh, and I cannot remember the difference between manual and automatic masters.

Francois Desrochers first replies, "Use Query's FORM command."

PASSWORD = >> password
MODE = >> 5

Manual masters: programs have to explicitly add entries before you can add related entries in detail sets. Programs have to explicitly delete entries when there are no related detail entries left. In other words, you have to do master dataset maintenance.

Automatic masters: entries are automatically created when a related detail set entry is created. Entries in the master are automatically removed when the last related detail entry is deleted. IMAGE takes care of the maintenance.

Consultant Ron Horner adds, "If you have a tool like Adager or DBGeneral, it can create a file of the database schema. The other way is by using QUERY to get a listing."

Horner also said, "The difference between a manual master and auto master is the following:

1. You have to add records to the manual master that contain the key data for any detail datasets that are linked to the master.

2. When working with automatic masters, you don't have to write data to them at all. IMAGE takes care of populating the master.

Ray Legault suggested using Allegro's free XSCHEMA, "A stripped down version of our commercial product DBHTML, this utility simply reads an Image root file and produces a DBSCHEMA-compatible text file as output."

Krikor Gullekian also noted that "With QUERY you can check the databases as long as you know the password. [Ed. note: Password advice is true, except when you're the database owner. No password is required then, just a semicolon.] FO SETS will give you a lot of details."

How can I tell the HP 3000's FTP server to use a standard 'ls -l', and not 'LISTFILE ,2' ?

Allegro's Donna Hofmeister said, The trick is to turn 'Posix' on. 

Turning Posix On

Keven Miller of 3K Ranger added "check out FTPDOC.ARPA.SYS, mainly the POSIX section. It mentions how to set the default to ON."
