Power of File Equations: HP 3000 Flexibility
November 29, 2012
Editor's Note: HP's George Stachnik spent more than a decade teaching HP 3000 customers how to use the best of the system, back in the days when HP was selling it, and then when the vendor was pushing migration. On the former mission, Stachnik wrote a 33-part series in InterACT magazine, The HP 3000 for Complete Novices. Our archives have revealed a paper copy of Part 14, which included figures you can't find anywhere else. The figures make the article, one of more than 20 available online at the 3k.com website, even more useful. Here's an excerpt of this advanced MPE/iX tutorial.
By George Stachnik
Let’s turn our attention to more advanced characteristics of MPE files: file equations.
Suppose you were writing a COBOL program to read data from an input file. Let's assume that when this program is placed into production, its input file is called INFILE. In COBOL, you could code the filename right into the file definition. When you run such a program on an HP 3000, it will look for a file called INFILE and attempt to read data from it.
Of course, Murphy's Law dictates that as soon as you have a program that is "locked into" a particular filename, a need will arise to have it read a file with a different name. For this reason, most commercial operating systems provide a way of assigning a temporary alias to a file. Perhaps the best example is the granddaddy of all commercial operating systems: IBM's MVS operating system.
Most mainframe applications refer to files not by their filenames, but by temporary aliases called DDNAMES. On IBM mainframes, DDNAMES are assigned using DD statements in a job control language called (fittingly enough) JCL. JCL is an old (and cryptic) language, but the concept of DDNAMES is a good one. It allows mainframe application programmers a degree of flexibility.
The HP 3000 provides a similar capability. MPE allows you to assign temporary aliases called "formal file designators" using :FILE commands.
Figure 1, shown below, shows an example of the simplest form of file command:
Such a command is often referred to as a "file equation" because of the equal sign ("=") in the middle of the command. In this example, the filename MYFILE has been assigned a formal file designator of INFILE. The formal file designator can be used as a temporary alias for the filename. So MYFILE can now be referenced by two names: MYFILE and INFILE.
Figure 1 shows an example of how a file equation might be used in conjunction with a program that has been coded with the filename INFILE. On the left side of Figure 1, we see the application program as it normally works--reading its input from INFILE. But the right side of the figure shows what happens when we issue the file equation before running the program. In essence, this FILE command tells MPE that any program that tries to read a file called INFILE should be redirected to a different file (in this case, MYFILE).
The scope of a file equation is limited to the session in which the file command is issued. In other words, file equations are in effect only until you log off. For example, suppose you issued the file equation shown on the right side of Figure 1, and then immediately ran a program designed to read data from INFILE. The program would be redirected to MYFILE, just as the figure shows. You could run the program repeatedly during your session, and it would be redirected to MYFILE every time.
But as soon as you log off the system, any file equations that you've issued will die with your session. The next time you log on to your HP 3000, things will be back to normal (as shown on the right side of Figure 1). If you run the program again, it will revert to looking for an input file called INFILE.
Furthermore, the impact of file equations is limited to your session only. It is not global--it doesn't affect other users who may be logged on at the same time. So if you issue a file equation that assigns the formal file designator INFILE to the filename MYFILE, while another user runs the program, the program will behave normally for them, but it will be redirected when you run it.
There's another use for the :FILE command. Yes, file equations can be used to assign a temporary alias called a "formal file designator" to a file. The example shown below is a bit more complicated. The command is:
:file x=myfile;acc=append
This file equation does two things. First of all, it assigns the formal file designator "x" to MYFILE, so that a program that writes to a file named "X" will be automatically redirected to write to MYFILE. But this file equation also contains another parameter. The keyword "ACC=APPEND" (the "ACC" stands for "access") tells MPE that any data that is written to the formal file designator "X" should be appended to the file being written to.
Normally, when you write to a file that already contains some data, MPE/iX would simply write over the data that is already there. But the ACC= APPEND keyword preserves any data that's already in the file and appends the new data to the end of the file.
In order for this file equation to work, we need a program to write to an output file called "X." Of course, we could get out our trusty COBOL compiler and write one, but there's an easier way. Our old friend FCOPY can write to any formal file designator we like. All you need to do is to put an asterisk ("*") right before the output formal file designator. Returning once again to our figure above, we see the following FCOPY command:
:fcopy from=;to=*x
This command leaves off the input filename, just as we saw earlier. FCOPY will therefore read its input from $STDIN (i.e., from the keyboard). The output filename ("x") is preceded by an asterisk, or "star" ("*"). This tells FCOPY, "You are going to write your output to 'x'--but 'x' isn't a filename, it's a formal file designator. Go look at the file equation that I've specified, and it will find what file I want you to write to, and how to write to it."
Putting the :FCOPY command above together with the file equation in Figure 2 above (click for detail), we are telling the HP 3000 to read data from our terminal keyboard and append it to the end of MYFILE.
At the top of our figure, we saw that there was one record already in MYFILE when we started. The figure shows four additional records being added to the file. Record number 2 contains the number 2 (followed by 79 blanks). Record 3 contains the number 3, and so on. After we've added record number 5, FCOPY dutifully returns to our terminal keyboard for a sixth record. Watch what happens.
I've typed the character string "This one won't work!" Ordinarily FCOPY would have written a sixth record containing this string to our output file. But as you can see, something has gone horribly wrong. The error message "*134*FOUND EOF IN TOFILE" has been displayed instead, and FCOPY has terminated.
The error message isn't as cryptic as it looks. FCOPY is simply trying to tell us that MYFILE has a capacity of five records and we just tried to append a sixth record to the file. When it tried to write record six, it found the EOF (end of file), and it knows it can't write past the EOF.