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New iOS mobile app monitors server admin

Treemap_128x128Allegro Consultants has released what appears to be the first iPhone/iPad app which will monitor any servers running HP's Unix, Sun's Solaris, Linux or the Mac OS. iAdmin has a few more operating environments that it will touch, according to Allegro's co-founder Stan Sieler.

"Of course, we're working on adding MPE/iX support, as well as Windows," said Sieler.

iAdmin is an app that allows you to view the status of your servers  from anywhere your iOS device has connectivity.  At the moment,  you can view your disk space utilization, drilling down through  your file systems and directories, to see where your disk space  has gone, and also, get a glimpse into your CPU performance.

If you have an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch and one or more servers  running HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS, or Solaris, you might want to try out  the app. You can find it via or by clicking on the App Store icon at

Details on the server and setup for the app -- it also works on the iPod Touch -- are at the website address above.

Use of the app requires setting up an account on Allegro's web server (, and then registering one or more systems (servers).

Then, the web server allows you to download a script for each system ... that script does data collection and emails the result to our  iAdmin server, for later retrieval by the iAdmin app. Typically, users run our script via a cron job at least once a day.

Allegro has designed iAdmin as a subscription service. "We charge $9.99/month per  system, with a discount for a longer term," Sieler says. "The first system is free for one month."
