3000 vet fancies fresher software staff spot
May 19, 2011
Connie Sellitto has made a move out of a long-time shop using a 3000 box, not long before the system becomes litter at the US Cat Fanciers Association.
Sellitto, who's helped the community with advice online and served as an OpenMPE volunteer, had told us for years that the CFA would be a homestead shop for the foreseeable future, running an A-Class server and with no need to change platforms away from its in-house software. Then a new board of directors at the CFA came a-calling, and change swept in on the wings of new management.
It's not the technical failures of the 3000 that trigger this kind of migration. New management wants to shake off old gear, and the HP 3000 can easily fall into the gunsights of the short sighted. Sellitto asked for help this spring on mapping a "wireframe" of 3000 databases for a new migration team -- an effort led by a company that creates websites. "It will be interesting to see how this develops," Sellitto told us six weeks ago.
What developed was a fresh spot to take her 3000 skills and outreach. Hillary Software, "just a mile and half from where I live," embraced Sellitto as part of its staff. Hillary is a company vested in HP 3000 companies with its byRequest software, but also has an eye on migrations for companies in years to come. From Sellitto's report as she exited 23 years of CFA experience, years to come might be what's required for her prior employer to move off the A-Class.
Sellitto counseled the organization on keeping a steady course on a server that was in no danger of failure. Seeing her advice bypassed, she moved on to Hillary and byRequest.
I am managing Tech Support and learning byRequest, our flagship product. Having a background in the HP 3000 has been a plus, as we support several customers on that platform. We support most hosts, including all flavors of Windows, so I believe we're well-positioned to move forward. Lots to learn, new challenges, a great suite of products and wonderful people.