Transitions include community's headcounts
December 15, 2010
As the year 2011 draws to a close, we're taking note of some changes in company and organization lineups that affect the 3000 community. Groups and firms sometimes take the year-end to revamp rosters, even in a community with so much continuity.
• David Greer reports that he's seeking new clients after a year of full-time service for MB Foster as director of marketing and sales. He may contribute further to Foster's 2011 efforts. Following up on his broad message to prospects, Greer told us that "Birket and I are talking about my doing some project work as I transition out." Greer said in his letter that "In a change from the past, I am looking at both non-technology as well as technology businesses" to help. MB Foster's 2010 was busy and full of new partners and product rollouts such as the company's Windows-based job scheduler. Greer's note summed up both this year and the one to come.
I have spent all of 2010 working full-time at MB Foster Associates helping my long time friend Birket Foster and his team to engage with his markets and generate sales, while focusing MB Foster on the critical next steps needed for business success. I'm wrapping up at MB Foster this week and am now turning my attention to the next business I can help.
• Connect's board of directors has gained a fresh slate of three extra volunteers, but the terms of its officers have been extended to two years instead of one. That means that Speedware's Chris Koppe will remain group president through 2011, and vice-president Steve Davidek, system admin for the City of Sparks, Nev. -- also a 3000 community member -- will be in the wings waiting for his 2012 term to lead the group. 172 members voted to approve a slate of directors, rather than cast ballots for individuals.
• OpenMPE also has announced a change in its group of directors, effective last month. Matthew Perdue was voted off the board by a unanimous vote of the six remaining directors. Perdue, who as treasurer was charged with the stewardship of the group's accounts, servers and the Invent3k revival, was taken off the board over a matter of non-payment of a check, according to minutes approved late in November from a Nov. 12 meeting. Tracy Johnson has taken over treasurer duties.