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Discount expires soon on Eloquence training

A $100 discount on two days of training for the Eloquence database expires tomorrow, according to the training's host MB Foster. Users of the IMAGE replacement database and replication tool must register with MB Foster by the end of Thursday, July 15 to receive their discount off the $500 list price.

The Eloquence training is the first offered in North America, in Ottawa, Canada, in several years. That period has seen a lot of installation and implementation of Eloquence. Creator Michael Marxmeier will lead 9-to-5 days on Thursday and Friday in concepts, TurboIMAGE compatibility, security and encryption, optimizing and even using the MBF-UDALink data extraction tool with the database.

Four hours of the training is offered by Marxmeier, including an explanation of new PCI requirements for encryption. The rest of the program explains enterprise databases such as IMAGE and Eloquence, led by MB Foster's experts. "We discovered that most programmers don't know the semantics of what IMAGE does," said MB Foster's Birket Foster. "Someone else designed the database. We're going to help set the scene on those topics for databases.

Eloquence runs on HP-UX and Linux, as well as Windows. MB Foster has a complete agenda, including lodging details at a discounted rate, in a PDF file. Training from the creator of such a migration platform is pretty rare in enterprise computing.

Registration for the training is through MB Foster's offices, 800.ANSWERS (267-9377 x204). A summary page about the event is available at the MB Foster website, too. "You'll get to evaluate what Eloquence actually does," Foster said, "how simplified it is to use Eloquence as a replacement as opposed to Oracle or SQL Server."

Marxmeier, founder and developer of the Eloquence database management system is also offering an update on what's new in Eloquence 8.0 and 8.1. The organizers say this event is designed for existing customers of Eloquence, as well as for those HP 3000 IMAGE/SQL customers who want to target an IMAGE-friendly database as part of a migration project -- and need to know more about its capabilities.
