One man who's no fan of OpenMPE
HP, Microsoft ally for unified communication

HP-UX training arrives free today only

Connect gives a taste of the HP Unix content from the HP Technology Forum & Expo today, a Webcast launching at 1 PM CDT. The conference begins in earnest four weeks from today in Las Vegas, where an expo floor has filled three more open booths since we last checked 10 days ago.

Today's free content is presented by longtime HP-UX expert Bill Hassell. This IT pro has been a fixture on HP user group agendas for more than two decades. I enjoyed sampling a seminar on HP-UX secrets and tips at the 2007 Greater Houston Regional User Group conference. Well worth the time; even those with everyday Unix experience could be seen taking notes and nodding their heads.

Attendance is free for today's "Sneak Peek." Register online with Connect.

In a glitch this morning, the Citrix meeting registration page is bouncing off to an error 404 Web page right after registration. You can rely on the confirmation e-mail for your unique Web address to attend.

Connect says that Hassell, who worked for HP many years ago before founding his own consulting company, will provide admin tips today in the Sneak Peak.

Hassell will show some common system administrator tasks with a twist to get things done faster. There will be some command line and scripting techniques to manage multiple systems as well as providing automated notifications. There will be tips on scanning logs and creating automated notifications. Find out why 777 and -9 are the sysadmin's enemy and how to write good bootup start/stop scripts.
