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Connect director slate includes 3000 ally

Koppe The Connect user group has offered its slate of directors for posts which start in the coming year. The organization that was created out of Encompass, ITUG and Interex Europe groups wants members to vote on the slate by Dec. 14.

A full profile of the lineup is available at the Connect Web site. The group is naming five directors to fill the board seats that expire at the end of December, and it offers its board of directors as a bundle because this year all three organizations needed representation. This is the first combined board for Connect. So members can vote to accept or reject, but not cast ballots for individual directors.

A face familiar to the 3000 community is among the slate of new directors. Speedware's marketing director Chris Koppe, a veteran of the boards of both Encompass and Interex, is on the track to joining the Connect leadership. Koppe has been instrumental in founding Connect and establishing the HP Technology Forum and Expo as a keystone for Encompass and Connect. He's currently chairing the user group's IT committee.

Connect members have received an e-mail to collect their "accept" or "reject" votes. Joining the group is affordable and a way to have a voice in HP's business decisions for its migration platform products.

A total of 17 people were evaluated by Connect's nominations committee to create the five-director slate. Taking on a volunteer job like this means two years of meetings, decisions and organization, Connect said in its request for member balloting.

Through the nominations process, the Committee determined that each candidate, having demonstrated exemplary dedication and service to the HP user community, is qualified to serve as a director of the organization.

By accepting these nominations, the listed individuals and their employers are making a substantial commitment of both personal and organizational time and resources for the duration of their two-year term.
