Overseas business bolsters HP Q2
HP moves away from HP 9000s

Where to optimize and find help

In our upcoming printed issue of The 3000 NewsWire  we interview Jeff Kubler, a longtime 3000 expert who's operated his own consulting business for more than eight years. Since much of that has been in the 3000's Transition Era, we chose Kubler and his Kubler Consulting experiences for our Q&A feature in that quarterly issue, mailing this week. (If you'd like to receive our print issue free of charge, e-mail me a postal address and I'll put one in the mails to you.)

To offer a sneak peek at the feature — which we will post up here next week, after our issue arrives in readers' mailboxes — I offer a few questions and answers which didn't make it into print.

Can you think of an engagement project that most 3000 customers don’t ask for at first, but turn out to need once you see their environment?

   They haven’t been doing database optimization. Maybe they don’t realize they need to look at performance and capacity. They need to look at upgrading since they’ll be on their 3000 for another five years. People are not looking at things clearly, thinking they’ll be off their 3000 in a year.

Some of the best information about the HP 3000 is in the Jon Diercks' MPE/iX System Administration Handbook. Published early in the Transition Era, it's the best roundup of how to perform things like optimization, or consider capacity, although the latter is best performed with the help of an expert like Kubler, who worked on capacity management for Lund Performance before he launched his own company.

Kubler liked Diercks as a person worthy of the e3000 Contributor of the Year Award, given by HP for more than a decade now.

If you had to nominate someone for this year’s HP e3000 Contributor Award, who would it be and why?

    Has Jon Diercks ever gotten anything for writing his MPE/iX system administration handbook? I think he’d be a good nomination. It’s handy resource, and I’ve got it right here.
