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ERP and 3000 meet in Friday Web VRUG

The ERP user group CAMUS hosts a Virtual RUG meeting on Friday. A VRUG, as they are known, presents speakers on topics via a telephone hookup and Webinar using Web-Ex on your PC. Friday's VRUG meeting runs late morning to early afternoon Central time, but you can come and go from your phone and PC as schedule permits.

One talk that's worthwhile for HP 3000 customers of any kind, ERP or not, migrating or homesteading, is Jeff Kubler's "Moving in Your Own Time," presented over the lunch hour Central US time. Today I worked a bit to help him flesh out the idea and the specifics, but it's his show to present. His Kubler Consulting been a long-time consultant to the 3000 community, a trainer for Robelle's Suprtool and Speedware's products, and an advisor to the Amisys and Ecometry markets.

You can sign up for a spot by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Details of Webinar phone-in and WebEx login will be sent to registrants prior to the meeting. It's free and runs between 10:30 and 2 PM Friday.

The full agenda, as released by CAMUS:

Agenda (All times listed are Central Time)

10:30am - 11:00am - WebEx log-in setup

11:00am – 11:15am - CAMUS Update, Terry Floyd, President

11:15am – 11:30am - Infor Update, David Hotchner, Infor

11:30am – 12:15pm - Going Green - Compliance & Sustainability, Rod Ellsworth, Infor

Hazardous waste, recycling, renewable energy… how can manufacturers contribute to solutions instead of perpetuate problems?

12:15pm – 12:20pm - Break

12:20pm – 1:00pm - Moving in Your Own Time, Jeff Kubler, Kubler Consulting: Changing equipment, business systems? Control the process comfortably.

1:00pm – 2:00pm - Talk Soup - Networking-questions, tips, tricks, suggestions related to MANMAN, systems (HP, OpenVMS), business processes.

Hosted by Infor

Local attendees are cordially invited to the broadcast site:

500 W Madison, Chicago, IL
North Western Atrium Center (train station building)
Office contact 630.258.6056
Madison Room on the 21st floor
