The bounty of ODE, only a password away
August 21, 2007
Yesterday we forwarded a report from Stan Sieler, HP's most recent recipient of the "e3000 Contributor of the Year" award, on the state of HP 3000 diagnostics. One super diagnostic program, ODE, holds a wide range of test programs.
These testing pieces of software got more important during the last year, since HP mothballed its Predictive Support service for the HP 3000. Predictive dialed into a 3000, poked around to see what might be ready to break, then reported to HP's support engineers.
Diagnostics are a manual way to perform the same task, or fix something that's broken. ODE, a set of offline tools, is all tucked away behind a password that only HP's support staff can deliver for your 3000. Sieler reports:
I ran each one, and documented whether or not it requires a password. (A few utilities seem to have little or no use because HP hasn’t provided a method of saying “hey, my disk drive isn’t an HP drive, and it’s over here”.)
ODE is a collection of diagnostics/utilities, each different.
****** Offline Diagnostic Environment ******
****** TC Version A.02.26 ******
****** SysLib Version A.00.78 ******
****** Loader Version A.00.62 ******
****** Mapfile Version A.01.61 ******
(ODE) Modules on this boot media are:
filename type size created description
README2 TM 63 04/07/13 64 bit version that displays README fil
MAPPER2 TM 146 04/07/13 64 bit version of the system mapping ut
MEM2 TM 257 04/07/13 64 bit Memory diagnostic
AR60DIAG2 TM 590 04/07/13 Fibre Channel 60 disk array utility (64
ARDIAG2 TM 682 04/07/13 64 bit version of the ICE & ICICLE disk
ASTRODIAG2 TM 273 04/07/13 64 bit version of the ASTRO IO Controll
COPYUTIL2 TM 320 04/07/13 64 bit version of the Disk-to-tape copy
DFDUTIL2 TM 264 04/07/13 64 bit version of the Disk firmware dow
DISKEXPT2 TM 241 04/07/13 64 bit version of the expert disk utili
DISKUTIL2 TM 222 04/07/13 64 bit version of the nondestructive di
NIKEARRY2 TM 324 04/07/13 Nike disk array utility
VADIAG2 TM 906 04/07/13 hp StorageWorks Virtual Array Utility
WDIAG TM 1084 04/07/13 CPU diagnostic for PCX-W processors
IOTEST2 TM 880 04/07/13 64 bit version that runs ROM-based self
PERFVER2 TM 126 04/07/13 64 bit version that runs ROM-based self
ODE> mem2
****** Version B.02.27 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
ODE> ar60diag2
****** AR60DIAG2 ******
****** Version B.03.29 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
ODE> ardiag2
****** ARDIAG2 ******
****** Version B.05.11 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
ODE> astrodiag2
****** ASTRODIAG2 ******
****** Version B.00.25 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
ODE> copyutil2
****** COPYUTIL2 ******
****** Version B.01.11 (19th Mar 2004) ******
no password
NOTE: didn't seem to want to see Seagate disk drive.
Copy Utility (COPYUTIL) Help Menu
UTILINFO - Shows information on COPYUTIL including quick start info.
HELP - This menu, or use HELP <help item> for more detailed help.
DISPMAP - Displays the devices found.
TAPEINFO - Reads the header of a tape and displays the information,
such as the product string and path of the disk, the
creation date, the vol #, and so forth.
TAPEDRVINFO - Reads the hard compression mode of a tape drive and
displays the information,
The info is only available for SCSI/FIBRE DAT tape drives.
DRVINFO - Shows inquiry information of any disk drive or tape drive.
TLINFO - Shows inquiry information for a Tape Library/Autochanger.
The addresses of robot hands, magazine slots and tape
drives are listed there.
TLMOVE - Moves a tape from a magazine into a tape drive, or vise versa.
BACKUP - Copies data from a disk to tape(s).
RESTORE - Copies from tape(s) back to a disk (The tape must be made
with COPYUTIL's BACKUP command).
VERIFY - After a successful BACKUP, by VERIFY user may double check
the contents of the tape(s) with the data on the disk.
COPY - Copies from a disk device to another disk device.
The supported devices are restricted to SCSI devices so far.
FORMAT - Formats a given disk back to its default values.
TERSEERR - Turns on or off the terse error flag. Default is off.
IGNOREERR - Turns on or off the ignore error flag. Default is off.
ODE> dfdutil2
****** Disk Firmware Download Utility 2 (DFDUTIL2) ******
****** Version B.02.21 (23rd Sep 2003) ******
No Disks were found.
didn't seem to want a password.
Since Seagate disks are so prevalent, one would expect some means of
updating firmware on them ... if firmware updates exist.
ODE> diskexpt2
****** DISKEXPT2 ******
****** Version B.00.23 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
Note: although it doesn't "see" Seagate drives, you can configure them in
and access them.
ODE> diskutil2
****** DISKUTIL2 ******
****** Version B.00.22 ******
No supported devices found on this system.
Note: doesn't "see" Seagate drives, and you can't configure them in.
ODE> nikearry2
****** NIKEARRY2 ******
****** Version B.01.12 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
ODE> vadiag2
****** VADIAG2 ******
****** Version B.01.07 ******
Please wait while the system is scanned for Fibre Channel Adapters...
No Fibre Channel Adapters were found. The test cannot continue. Aborting.
(No password requested up to that point.)
ODE> wdiag
****** WDIAG ******
****** Version A.01.53 ******
Enter password or a <CR> to exit:
(from a friend:)
WDIAG is the PCXW ODE based diagnostic program. It is intended
to test the Processor of the various PCXW based systems in the offline
environment. The program consists of 150 sections, 1/150,
and are organized into the following groups:
1. CPU data path tests, Sections 1/6 (6 sections)
2. BUS-INTERFACE tests, Sections 7/10 (4 sections)
3. CACHE tests, Sections 11/25 (15 sections)
4. TLB tests, Sections 26/34 (9 sections)
5. CPU instruction tests, Sections 35/86 (52 sections)
6. CPU extended tests, Sections 87/101 (15 sections)
7. Floating point tests, Sections 102/134 (33 sections)
8. Multiple processor tests, Sections 140/150 (11 sections)
ODE> iotest2
****** IOTEST2 ******
****** Version B.00.35 ******
no password required
ODE> perfver2
****** PERFVER2 ******
****** Version B.00.15 ******
no password required