Understanding how SLTs work
OpenMPE reboubles its search for candidates

The FAQ has become a TWiki

A few months ago we reported that Chris Bartram was taking the HP 3000's Frequently Asked Questions file into Wiki format. Last weekend Bartram reported that his work was essentially complete. However, the location of the Wiki has moved to


These are called TWiki's because they are Technical Wikis. But they operate in the same way as the Wikipedia you should know and love, if you do any Web searching.

Bartram, who hosts and stocks the fine 3k.com Web resource for the platform, explains, "If you’re not familiar with ‘wiki’; a word in a topic that is highlighted and followed by a small “?” is an (as yet) undefined WikiWord. You click on the “?” and (assuming you have registered) will be allowed to edit (or provide) content for that WikiWord. Try it — it’s easier than it sounds."

Bartram has also reopened a 3000 job board in the Wiki format, one which 3k.com ran years ago but has been offline for several years.

Bartram adds that the registration, to be able add your knowledge to the 3000's TWiki,

is easy and automated; info you provide for registration isn’t used for anything other than your wiki access.

I’m still working on the ‘command file’ collection (it’s being copied into the TWiki environment as well to make contributing and updating easier). It’s at: www.3k.com/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/Hp3000CommandFiles

I also set up a (HP 3000-related only) Job postings area on the TWiki, to replace the old Cold Fusion based system we ran many years ago (and which has been offline for several years). In the Wiki format adding and updating should be much easier for anyone interested. You can see it at: www.3k.com/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/HP3000Employment

Finally, I’ve been trying to update the FAQ content, giving credit to original authors wherever possible; some of you appear in the topic list as wiki words -- though there is no ‘content’ for any of them. If you’d like to add a public bio or any other information about yourself, check the main topic list at: www.3k.com/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/WebTopicList or search for your wiki name (FirstnameLastname) at: www.3k.com/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/WebSearch.

If your name appears on the list, click on it and feel free to wiki-edit it. While you’re at it, if you see any info in the FAQ that’s out of date or incorrect, feel free to correct it. You can also add new topics just as easily.
