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3000 conference unveils speakers

With about four weeks left until its Nov. 10 start date, the weekend HP 3000 conference is making a registration form, cost, hotel options in southeast Houston and its speaker lineup all public this week. The $175 conference covers three days and features Adager's Alfredo Rego as the keynote speaker, taking users through a tour of MPE, Unix, Macintosh and Windows enviroHotel_map_092006nments, all while delivering a peek at the latest in database management.

Judy Reustle, coordinator of the show's speaker slots, said that the conference committee still has a few speaking slots left open.

"The rest of the speakers are: GSA's Gilles Schipper, OpenMPE's Paul Edwards and Chuck Ciesinski, MB Foster's Birket Foster, Speedware's Alan Yeo, Transformix's Charles Finey, Eloquence creator Michael Marxmeier, Dani Knezevic of Speedware, HP-UX guru Bill Hassel, Richard Sonnier and Charles Johnson.

"I still have one or two possible slots if there is still a speaker out there that wants me to fit them in. I just need abstracts with initial correspondance." Contact Reustle at [email protected]. The call for speakers form is at the GHRUG Web site.
