Don't be afraid to speak out on the future
February 24, 2006
For one more week, OpenMPE is holding its election of its board members. This year the vote is likely to top numbers of participants for any of the last three years. It's an interesting figure, considering that so many seem to dismiss the work this advocacy group has done.
Be a part of the forward thinkers among your 3000 community. Vote to decide who will be thinking about the needs of the 3000 user in 2007, 2008 and beyond. Have a listen to our podcast of last week, all about OpenMPE and its continued push toward your tomorrows. Take 10 minutes to hear about the issues, then get to the OpenMPE Web site and sign up. It's free.
The voting ends March 3, next Friday. At least one new board member is going to join the effort. Decide who it will be.
Even if you're migrating, the advocacy of OpenMPE can make a difference in the comfort and value you get from your HP 3000 until you turn it off. We note, by the way, that some companies who are migrating — or who already have — are not turning off their 3000s, but leaving the systems available for archive and history purposes.
In a brief but illuminating exchange, we heard from Pam Losey at a Wisconsin school district. "We have migrated off the 3000 but it is still here," she reported. "We access it from time to time for historic reoprting purposes. We moved to a Windows 2000 Advanced Server (HP ML370) running Oracle."
How many others can raise their hands and point to a 3000 still not moved out of the IT shop, even if it's moved away from their IT strategy? Isn't that hardware, still powered up and online, worth a few minutes to join OpenMPE and cast a vote?
We think so. But that's because our job is looking into the future. Open your eyes and see more, with OpenMPE.